On the first day of term two I came to school and all I saw was a large bike track.. “ WOW “ I said as I saw people riding on their own bike. 3 weeks later I saw a big truck carrying LARGE DARK BLUE container when the truck had passed Mrs. Fepuleai came in and announced that our school is going to have their own bikes “yay” I said in my head. 5 week later at lunchtime these 2 men came to our school in a big van with a big trailer filled with bikes. When they opened the trailer there were thousands of bike blue bike and small bikes with training wheels for the little ones in room 1,2 and there was even adult bikes for teachers. I was sooo AMAZED when all the bikes were in the shed. Mrs. Kelly realized that there was still some spaces so she went to this room filled with computers and And...BIKES. There were pink ones and green ones. The next day at lunchtime teachers were riding bikes it looked really really FUN!!. Later in the week, before morning tea we had a bike track opening ceremony;there were songs sung by the kapa haka group, speeches and some kids got to ride a bike as well. It was FUN.
I am so HAPPY that my school’s got new bike track because now we can ride our bikes to school and ride on the bike track..