
Monday, 24 August 2020

What are viruses? by Reihaneh


A virus is a tiny deadly sickness that can spread around a country or around the world.Viruses can cause diseases in humans,such as colds, measles, cough,and flu. A virus can spread by coughing or sneezing.You could get the virus if you go around the world. Some viruses cannot be cured and some can. Most viruses can’t survive very long if they are not inside living things like a plant,animal,or person.Viruses need to be inside living cells to grow, replicate and reproduce. So whatever a virus lives in, is called “its host” Unfortunately, antibiotics don't work on viruses like they do on bacteria. Bacteria can reproduce outside of the body or within the body as they cause infections such as ear infections, sore throats, cavities and pneumonia.

To prevent the spreading of the virus such as coronavirus, you have to keep 1 to 2 meter apart from other people. Stay in your own bubble. Seek medical health if you are sick or if you have any of the virus symptoms like high fever, loss of smell, sore throat, cough and running nose. Wash your hands often, especially after using the bathroom. Use a mask to cover your face when you go outside in public places. Use the tissue to cover your mouth when you sneeze and cough then throw it in the rubbish bin. Use the Covid-19 tracer app to record or scan where you have travelled.


  1. nice work reihaneh great effet

  2. Hey Reihaneh, this is AMAZING! I have shared the link to this post with my class so they can read your detailed description of what a virus is. Thanks for sharing your advise on keeping safe from Covid-19!

  3. great work Reihaneh, keep it up

  4. nice work Reihaneh there are some good words in it keep up the great work

  5. Nice work Reihaneh you have done a great good with the activities keep it up

  6. Kia ora ko Waiari toku ingoa!! What an amazing job!! This is great mahi and nice job!
