Reihaneh has been working extremely hard to complete this PE activity at home during the lockdown. She even got her Mom involved which made it more fun.
Get Creative/ Playful
Large Loose part game:-
Find as much junk as you can around your house.
Can you make a game out of it?
- I didn’t make a game.
Can you build something with it?
- Yes, I made pencil holders.
Take a photo of your creation and share it with your teacher.
Obstacle course:
Invent an obstacle course for yourself and your family. Either inside or outside and complete it.
Tip: include under, over, around, jump, and through objects.
Here is some inspiration - Obstacle Course
- Question:
What did you learn from this process?
- I need to be faster to finish the obstacle.
What would you do next time?
- Make a longer obstacle.
Create a Hallway Laser field:
Use toilet paper and sellotape to create a maze for yourself and your family to crawl through.
How fast can you go through your course?
- I made it in 15 seconds.
Can you do the course with one eye or both eyes closed?
- I did it 1 eye closed.
Can you do it (safely) with only one arm or one leg?
- I did it without 1 arm.
My week of lockdown PE - reflection
Which activity was the most fun this week and why?
- The most fun activity was making junk into something. I like it because I and my mom painted it.
What was the most challenging activity you did this week? Why?
- It was the maze on the wall because it was hard to make.
How have you felt during this lockdown week? Happy? Sad?
- I feel normal and sad because I don't get to see the school.
This week some activities were on your own and some were with other people.- I did the activities with my mom and when we did the maze inside my dad broke it because he wanted to go through but I did all the work on time.
Task: Complete the following questions in the table.